11 Key benefits of the new SIV
The SIV program is an exceptional new opportunity for wealthy non-Australians to obtain Australian temporary, then permanent migrant status by investing in Australia.
Visa applicants must have high net worth (HNW) to be able to invest $5M in Australia
The SIV is new and unique in that the visa applicant/investor avoids many of the requirements which ordinarily apply to Australian business visas, making the visa more achievable than many other business visas.
Key benefits for SIV visa applicants include:
- For visa applicants who take careful professional advice their money should be safe in Australia with investment returns from bank cash rate equivalents to over 40%
- Opportunity to join in Australia’s renewed Asian http://asiancentury.dpmc.gov.au/
- Visa applicants and their families will be safe in Australia
- There are No upper age limits – you can be any age
- No English language requirements (this is especially appealing to applicants in Asian countries like China, Japan, Korea)
- Visa holders need only spend 40 days per year in Australia during the 4 years of their Temporary SIV to qualify for Permanent SIV (these days may be met cumulatively)
- Investment returns on an ASIC (www.asic.gov.au) approved fund will generally be safe and possibly also generous depending on the investment chosen
- Australia’s banks and financial institutions and banks are amongst the safest in the world, have global offices and are actively seeking professional advisory relationships with SIV applicant
- as long as the minimum $A5 million is retained during the 4 year period, the investment can be a mixture of funds and or direct investment in an Australian proprietary company (this may vary state to state and currently N.S.W does require a minimum fund investment as part of the $A5million)
- Visa applicant does not need to satisfy Australian Immigration Dept. business skills innovation points test
- Investors can benefit from Australia’s low unemployment rate, currently 5.4% only
Quick overview of the SIV opportunity
Just 4 months since it commenced, the SIV causes a lot of talk and controlled excitement amongst Australia’s migration, legal and investment industries.
It’s predicted China will have an economy twice the size of the USA and that India’s economy will be almost as big by 2050 .
Already, there are 1 million HNW and 63000 ultra high net worth (UHNW about 16 times wealthier than HNW) in China alone, with at least double these numbers in the rest of Asia as well.
Most of these numbers are also expected to at least double by 2015 .
With 44% of these estimated to be seeking migration for quality of life, prestige and or western education for their children, there are vast numbers of potential SIV applicants
26 million migrants globally seek Australia | CHINA HNW people | CHINA UHNW people | ASIA HNW people |
2013 | 1 million | 63,000 | 3 million |
2015 | 2 million | 130,000 | 6 million |
Credentials of www.AustralianImmigrationLawyers.com & 8 ways we can help SIV applicants and relevant professionals
- AUSTRALIANIMMIGRATIONLAWYERS.COM has representative offices across Wollongong & Sydney and in Hanoi, Hong Kong, Shanghai & Singapore and soon to access a global network of migration law firms
- We can speak at your conference, webinar or seminar about the SIV and all aspects of Australian migration, especially business migration & investment
- We can add value by joint venturing with pre-selected organisations to add credibility, educational resources and status to their client offerings
- We also have high level, reputable contacts in Australia’s the funds management, accounting, property development, banking and financial planning industries. We will be pleased to facilitate introductions for interested individuals
- Our principal lawyer & registered migration agent JUSTIN K. RICKARD B.A LL.B M.A (Syd.) M.M.I.A has been an Australian Lawyer since 1986 and Australian Registered Migration Agent since 1994 and was honoured by the NSW (Australian state) Law Society in 2012 for over 25 years’ service to the law in NSW. Mr. Rickard has:
- Credibility
- Knowledge
- Longevity of experience in Australia & throughout Asia
- Legal & technical background
- With expertise available in corporate and commercial law, real estate, international business, immigration, international tax, research & development tax, media management, superannuation, estate planning, insurance and financial services, we can be a “one-stop-shop” for SIV visa applicants
- We are capable of providing advice, via our network on the types of investments that will qualify, how to structure the investment and or establishing a business in Australia, understanding specific State and Territory requirements for the SIV, accessing international funds transfers, completing the application process and strategic planning of the taxation, and other implications, of the investment
- If you are interested in applying for a SIV, or a funds manager, financial planner, real estate agent, banker, lawyer or accountant with clients interested in applying for a SIV, please contact immediately regards this excellent opportunity.
How to obtain an SIV & then Australian permanent residence
Visa applicant must first select the Australian State or Territory they wish to invest in and submit an online Expression of Interest to their chosen Australian state or Territory via SkillSelect (online with Australia’s Department of Immigration & Citizenship (DIAC)).
After nomination by that State or Territory, visa application is submitted to DIAC and when visa application approved investments of at least five million Australian dollars are made into complying investments.
The $5 million can be moved from one approved investment to another as long as it does stays at $5million and above for the entire 4 years of the temporary visa period.
Once 160 days in the 4 years is spent residing in Australia by the visa applicant they can apply for permanent residence.
The $5 million – “Complying investments” for the SIV include Commonwealth, State or Territory government bonds, Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) regulated managed investment schemes (funds) with a mandate for investment in Australia.
These funds can be invested in:
- infrastructure projects in Australia
- cash held by Australian deposit taking institutions
- bonds issued by the Commonwealth or a State or Territory government
- bonds, equity, hybrids or other corporate debt in companies and trusts listed on an Australian stock exchange
- bonds or term deposits issued by Australian financial institutions
- real estate in Australia; and
- Australian agribusiness.
Direct investment can also be made in an Australian proprietary company (including establishing a “qualifying business” but excluding companies solely involved in the provision of rental property or not operated mainly for the purpose of speculative or passive investment).
Visa applicants will have different regimes and methods of ensuring the $A5M can actually be transferred out of their country. In China, for example, this is not automatic – special government approvals are needed.
We can assist with international funds transfers via our network